AEC Business Continuity Services: An Idea Whose Time Has Come


Laiserin's Lemma—Schmoozinar in the Desert

Today's Top-Level Take-Away—Foolishness
> "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools."
(Herbert Spencer)
> "There are two kinds of fool. One says, 'This is old, and therefore good.' And one says, 'This is new, and therefore better.'"
(Dean Inge)
> "If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner."
(Tallulah Bankhead)

AEC Business Continuity Services: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
The transformation of web-based AEC collaboration sites into affordable business continuity solutions for AEC businesses is an idea whose time has come. Ironically, this opportunity is being squandered by its key developers at precisely the same time that they�re searching for new revenue sources.

An occasional sampling of reader electron-mail, or "keep those waves and particles pouring in, folks!"

Laiserin's Lemma—Schmoozinar in the Desert
(lemma: a short theorem used in proving a larger theorem)
Knowledge management is the discipline concerned with the development and dissemination of understanding in groups, organizations and industries. In a meeting or conference context, knowledge dissemination is most often associated with intellectual capital—the sort of structured activity that goes on in lectures, seminars and workshops. Knowledge development is most often associated with social capital—the sort of unstructured activity, or schmoozing, that goes on outside the seminar rooms before, between and after the formal sessions. Suppose somebody planned a gathering of engineering software vendors, users, analysts and editors that maximized the proportion of social capital—the schmoozefest—while maintaining just enough formal structure to make effective use of participants' time? The result would look a lot like CoFES, the Congress on the Future of Engineering Software.